Network of Civil Society organization against Child trafficking, abuse and labour (NACTAL) is Nigeria CSO mitigating against TIP, abuse and labour
What We Do

NACTAL Nigeria Conducts CTIP Training for Law Enforcement Agencies Personnel in Benin and Abuja
To enhance the capacity of security personnel’ who are crucial in the prevention and protection of victims of human trafficking, the Network Against Child trafficking, Abuse and Labour (NACTAL) Nigeria, with support from USAID Nigeria SCALE, organized a ‘Countering Trafficking in Persons Training’ in Benin City and Abuja for security and law enforcement agencies. The […]

NACTAL Nigeria Conducts a 4-Day Training for Local CSOs on the Design and Delivery of Effective CTIP Interventions
In her continued efforts to improve the coordination and implementation capacity of Civil Society Organizations on CTIP in Nigeria, the Network Against Child Trafficking, Abuse and Labour (NACTAL) trained 30 local CSOs on the design and delivery of effective countering trafficking in persons prevention intervention with the support from USAID Nigeria SCALE from 25th May […]

Statement by National President NACTAL, on the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, 2020
Today is 30th July 2020 and the United Nations has set aside 30th July each year as the International Day Against Human Trafficking. This is done to raise awareness of the plight of human trafficking victims and promote as well as protect their rights. Human trafficking is any illicit trade of humans for the purposes […]